Bit2Me STX

STX, the Security Tokens Exchange on blockchain

Diversify your portfolio across a wide range of projects through different asset classes

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How does it work?


  • 1
    Create your account and enter the projects section
  • 2
    Find the project that interests you the most
  • 3
    Participate by buying shares or bonds of that project
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Why participate in Bit2Me STX?


Selected projects

We analyze each project and select only the best

Backed by regulation

According to the Spanish Securities Market Law of March 2023 and the European DLT Pilot Regime Regulation

Participating has never been so fast

Participate very easily in a few steps from your mobile phone

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VALORIX is a subsidiary of Credimax LLC that seeks to provide solutions that can effectively meet people’s needs, helping to reduce the existing gap in credit access through innovation, digital transformation, digital experiences, and sustainability in growing markets.

Credimax is present in Colombia through Rapicredit, a leading microcredit fintech aiming to expand in Latin America.

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Information about STX Sandbox

Due to the special conditions of this issue and being within the financial Sandbox supervised by the Spanish market authority (CNMV), only those clients who meet the following requirements will be able to take part in Bit2Me STX:

Residence: being residents in Spain.

Documentation: must have valid Spanish Documentation (DNI or NIE). Spanish passport will not be accepted in this process.

Minimum investment: the minimum amount to take part is 1,000 EUR per user

Deposit: only euros are accepted, which can be transferred from any account in a banking institution where the investor is the holder of the same. Transfers from the Bit2Me euro wallet are not accepted.

Withdrawals: withdrawals of funds are disabled until the completion of the Sandbox tests.

Primary and secondary market solutions

Types of security tokens

Equity tokens

A share represents ownership of an underlying asset, such as a company's shares. The holder of a share may be entitled to dividends, voting rights, or both. As with stocks, a contract establishes the applicable conditions.

Debt tokens

Debt tokens are interest-bearing units representing short-term loans. There are two types: stable (fixed interest) and variable (variable interest). These tokens reflect the holder's debt and their relationship with the acquired interest rate or loan.

Our trajectory speaks for itself

Why choose Bit2Me STX?

Investment in security tokens is regulated by the Spanish Securities Market Law. It may not be suitable for all retail investors and carries risks. It is important to read and fully understand this type of product, and the risks associated with investing in these types of assets, which are detailed in the informed consent document for the Sandbox before making an investment decision.

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