*Historical price charts provided by TradingView, the charting platform and social network that provides users with valuable information on market events through tools such as the economic calendar, stock analyzer and others.
Market data for Blast
Price 0,0034β¬
Price change (24H) -17,07 %
Price change (7D) -8,42 %
Market capitalization 101.499.867,66β¬
Diluted market cap 389.460.476,19β¬
Volume (24H) 7.527.554,86β¬
Max supply BLAST
Total supply BLAST
About Blast
Blast is a second-layer (L2) solution for Ethereum designed to deliver scalability, speed and reduced transaction costs within the world's most widely used blockchain network. Leveraging the capabilities of optimised rollups, Blast allows for processing a large volume of transactions efficiently, without compromising Ethereum's inherent security. This makes it an ideal choice for decentralised applications (DApps), blockchain games, and any project that requires high performance at low cost. The L2 Blast is built to integrate seamlessly with the Ethereum ecosystem, facilitating asset migration and cross-chain interoperability. In addition, its advanced architecture ensures transactions are fast and reliable, while its low fee structure drives accessibility to a wide range of users, from developers to traders. With Blast, Ethereum becomes more agile and accessible, allowing its users to enjoy a smoother and more effective blockchain experience.
π The price of Blast is falling
The value of 1 BLAST is 0,0034β¬ . That means, to purchase 5 BLAST, you will need to pay 0,017β¬ . On the other hand, with 1,00β¬ , you can buy a total of 296,62 BLAST , while 50,00β¬ would allow you to make an acquisition of 14.830,81 BLAST .
In the last 7 days, the price of Blast has decreased by -8,42 % . Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the price has changed by -17,07 % .
Convert BLAST to EUR
- Amount11:38, 3/03/2025
- 0.5 BLAST 0,0017β¬
- 1 BLAST 0,0034β¬
- 2 BLAST 0,0067β¬
- 5 BLAST 0,017β¬
- 10 BLAST 0,034β¬
- 50 BLAST 0,17β¬
- 100 BLAST 0,34β¬
- 500 BLAST 1,69β¬
- 1000 BLAST 3,37β¬
Convert EUR to BLAST
- Amount11:38, 3/03/2025
- 0,50β¬ 148,31 BLAST
- 1,00β¬ 296,62 BLAST
- 2,00β¬ 593,23 BLAST
- 5,00β¬ 1.483,08 BLAST
- 10,00β¬ 2.966,16 BLAST
- 50,00β¬ 14.830,81 BLAST
- 100,00β¬ 29.661,62 BLAST
- 500,00β¬ 148.308,10 BLAST
- 1.000,00β¬ 296.616,20 BLAST
Blast historical price
Price | Volume | Marketcap | |
Now | 0,0034β¬ | 7.527.554,86β¬ | 101.499.867,66β¬ |
One day ago | 0,0041β¬ | 3.944.898,00β¬ | 100.604.038,70β¬ |
One week ago | 0,0037β¬ | 4.676.496,73β¬ | 99.978.290,11β¬ |