*Historical price charts provided by TradingView, the charting platform and social network that provides users with valuable information on market events through tools such as the economic calendar, stock analyzer and others.
Market data for Book of Meme
Price 0,0017β¬
Price change (24H) -18,62 %
Price change (7D) 2,87 %
Market capitalization 111.848.676,21β¬
Diluted market cap 111.848.676,21β¬
Volume (24H) 89.555.772,57β¬
Max supply 68.999.659.569 BOME
Total supply 68.999.659.569 BOME
About Book of Meme
Book Of Meme is an experimental project aimed at redefining web culture3 by merging memes, decentralised storage solutions and shitcoin degen trading and gaming. This experiment strives to encapsulate the ever-evolving meme culture within a digital compendium ensuring that each piece is immortalised on the blockchain. The memecoin $BOME on Solana, Arweave and IPFS as well as the primary storage of Book Of Meme and future expansions to Bitcoin registrations aims to foster a new dimension of decentralised social media, and make memes unstoppable.
π The price of Book of Meme is rising
The value of 1 BOME is 0,0017β¬ . That means, to purchase 5 BOME, you will need to pay 0,0083β¬ . On the other hand, with 1,00β¬ , you can buy a total of 602,77 BOME , while 50,00β¬ would allow you to make an acquisition of 30.138,64 BOME .
In the last 7 days, the price of Book of Meme has increased by 2,87 % . Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the price has changed by -18,62 % .
Convert BOME to EUR
- Amount11:38, 3/03/2025
- 0.5 BOME 0,00083β¬
- 1 BOME 0,0017β¬
- 2 BOME 0,0033β¬
- 5 BOME 0,0083β¬
- 10 BOME 0,017β¬
- 50 BOME 0,083β¬
- 100 BOME 0,17β¬
- 500 BOME 0,83β¬
- 1000 BOME 1,66β¬
Convert EUR to BOME
- Amount11:38, 3/03/2025
- 0,50β¬ 301,39 BOME
- 1,00β¬ 602,77 BOME
- 2,00β¬ 1.205,55 BOME
- 5,00β¬ 3.013,86 BOME
- 10,00β¬ 6.027,73 BOME
- 50,00β¬ 30.138,64 BOME
- 100,00β¬ 60.277,28 BOME
- 500,00β¬ 301.386,38 BOME
- 1.000,00β¬ 602.772,75 BOME
Book of Meme historical price
Price | Volume | Marketcap | |
Now | 0,0017β¬ | 89.555.772,57β¬ | 111.848.676,21β¬ |
One day ago | 0,002β¬ | 92.299.703,20β¬ | 137.539.321,78β¬ |
One week ago | 0,0016β¬ | 102.981.052,72β¬ | 110.627.284,55β¬ |