*Historical price charts provided by TradingView, the charting platform and social network that provides users with valuable information on market events through tools such as the economic calendar, stock analyzer and others.
Market data for Saga
Price 0,39β¬
Price change (24H) -25,53 %
Price change (7D) -20,91 %
Market capitalization 42.779.513,88β¬
Diluted market cap 406.958.589,20β¬
Volume (24H) 50.186.696,05β¬
About Saga
Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically create dedicated, VM-agnostic, parallelised and interoperable chains, or "Chainlets", that provide applications with infinite horizontal scalability. Each Chainlet is a replica of the Saga Mainnet, with the same set of validators and security model. Saga's mission is to enable the next 1000 chainlets in gaming and entertainment as part of the growing Saga Multiverse. Mass adoption of blockchain is imminent, and developers need a base infrastructure that is infinitely scalable, interoperable and cost-effective to support consumer applications. By enabling developers to create dedicated block space on demand that scales elastically with performance needs, opens fast bridges to other ecosystems, and is priced at commodity levels, Saga provides the end-to-end infrastructure developers need to build the next generation of applications on the blockchain.
π The price of Saga is falling
The value of 1 SAGA is 0,39β¬ . That means, to purchase 5 SAGA, you will need to pay 1,94β¬ . On the other hand, with 1,00β¬ , you can buy a total of 2,58 SAGA , while 50,00β¬ would allow you to make an acquisition of 128,85 SAGA .
In the last 7 days, the price of Saga has decreased by -20,91 % . Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the price has changed by -25,53 % .
Convert SAGA to EUR
- Amount03:28, 4/03/2025
- 0.5 SAGA 0,19β¬
- 1 SAGA 0,39β¬
- 2 SAGA 0,78β¬
- 5 SAGA 1,94β¬
- 10 SAGA 3,88β¬
- 50 SAGA 19,40β¬
- 100 SAGA 38,80β¬
- 500 SAGA 194,02β¬
- 1000 SAGA 388,05β¬
Convert EUR to SAGA
- Amount03:28, 4/03/2025
- 0,50β¬ 1,29 SAGA
- 1,00β¬ 2,58 SAGA
- 2,00β¬ 5,15 SAGA
- 5,00β¬ 12,89 SAGA
- 10,00β¬ 25,77 SAGA
- 50,00β¬ 128,85 SAGA
- 100,00β¬ 257,70 SAGA
- 500,00β¬ 1.288,51 SAGA
- 1.000,00β¬ 2.577,01 SAGA
Saga historical price
Price | Volume | Marketcap | |
Now | 0,39β¬ | 50.186.696,05β¬ | 42.779.513,88β¬ |
One day ago | 0,52β¬ | 31.336.634,84β¬ | 57.307.624,55β¬ |
One week ago | 0,49β¬ | 23.435.620,86β¬ | 53.353.707,17β¬ |