*Historical price charts provided by TradingView, the charting platform and social network that provides users with valuable information on market events through tools such as the economic calendar, stock analyzer and others.
Market data for Degen
Price 0,004β¬
Price change (24H) -16,27 %
Price change (7D) 0,88 %
Market capitalization 73.923.867,65β¬
Diluted market cap 154.125.326,77β¬
Volume (24H) 54.680.874,01β¬
Max supply 36.965.935.954 DEGEN
Total supply 36.965.935.954 DEGEN
About Degen
DEGEN (DEGEN) is the native token of Degen Chain, a Layer 3 (L3) blockchain specifically designed for the 'degen' community within the crypto ecosystem. As an L3, Degen Chain is built on top of lower-layer blockchain infrastructure, enabling it to offer greater flexibility and optimization for high-volatility applications, such as blockchain gaming, NFTs, and DeFi products. Its design provides a fast and smooth experience for users looking to maximize opportunities in the crypto environment. The DEGEN token has several utilities within Degen Chain and on Farcaster, a decentralized social network. In Degen Chain, DEGEN is used for transactions, fee payments, and governance, allowing holders to participate in key decisions. On Farcaster, DEGEN is used as a tipping mechanism between users, thus helping the social network grow.
π The price of Degen is rising
The value of 1 DEGEN is 0,004β¬ . That means, to purchase 5 DEGEN, you will need to pay 0,02β¬ . On the other hand, with 1,00β¬ , you can buy a total of 251,91 DEGEN , while 50,00β¬ would allow you to make an acquisition of 12.595,35 DEGEN .
In the last 7 days, the price of Degen has increased by 0,88 % . Meanwhile, in the last 24 hours, the price has changed by -16,27 % .
Convert DEGEN to EUR
- Amount03:47, 4/03/2025
- 0.5 DEGEN 0,002β¬
- 1 DEGEN 0,004β¬
- 2 DEGEN 0,0079β¬
- 5 DEGEN 0,02β¬
- 10 DEGEN 0,04β¬
- 50 DEGEN 0,20β¬
- 100 DEGEN 0,40β¬
- 500 DEGEN 1,98β¬
- 1000 DEGEN 3,97β¬
Convert EUR to DEGEN
- Amount03:47, 4/03/2025
- 0,50β¬ 125,95 DEGEN
- 1,00β¬ 251,91 DEGEN
- 2,00β¬ 503,81 DEGEN
- 5,00β¬ 1.259,53 DEGEN
- 10,00β¬ 2.519,07 DEGEN
- 50,00β¬ 12.595,35 DEGEN
- 100,00β¬ 25.190,69 DEGEN
- 500,00β¬ 125.953,47 DEGEN
- 1.000,00β¬ 251.906,94 DEGEN
Degen historical price
Price | Volume | Marketcap | |
Now | 0,004β¬ | 54.680.874,01β¬ | 73.923.867,65β¬ |
One day ago | 0,0047β¬ | 50.828.604,19β¬ | 85.552.559,54β¬ |
One week ago | 0,0039β¬ | 22.516.051,15β¬ | 67.825.955,43β¬ |